
history fastens our shoelaces,
tripping our origins-

were we sinful? or are we sinless?
can one be re-framed as a peacemaker,
when they are the son of an executed traitor?

were we to, (perchance) close the gates on
whatever age where all wrongs came to pass
and hit refresh?

can the flow of our prejudices be halted?

the greater powere lay in our futures.
they are the true auditors of our present-

would this suggestible arrangement
be considered ravings?

would they see us rubbing away at the sins, and cull us peasants for not repairing it?

could their exulting voices of experience destroy the
wrongness of this past alluded to in this pensive note?

dare I wish that they overfill their own manuscripts
with what we are ashamed of-

whence they rewrite a full account of our ravished record of history.

Indexing List: shoelaces sewed    alluded suggestible peasants rubbing exult raving clanging       laughing    executed ravishment whatever       counting    auditor whence age     quarrel     traitor     unavoidable experience     horse       lark      arrangement perchance voice       tediously   gates sinless      uncertain   flown history sinful         banging     pensive     fastening disgraced destroy blades      originate stand     woods       oneself     cackled called    overfilled origins     crawling


The Dark Well & The Salon


...Southwest Airlines