Don’t Send Pictures of Your Penis

You know I know all of your secrets

I'm drinking and in the mood

Don't send pictures of your Penis

I sometimes smoke cigarettes

I have a Harry Potter tattoo

You know I know all of your secrets

I am curious to see if your confidence

can be tabulated into reality by this afternoon

Don't send pictures of your penis

Are there even REAL guys on CraigsList?

I like zombies, lets continue

You know I know all of your secrets

I love argyle socks and plaid shirts

we can debate their use, you choose

don't send pictures of your penis

I'm not ready for bed yet

unless Prince Charming is you?

You know I know all of your secrets

Don't send pictures of your penis

author contributions are anonymous, Editor/Collector of lines: Linda K Strahl

composed Fall Semester of 2012

fun fact: this is both a villanelle and a cento.

the repeating lines Don’t send pictures of your penis & You know I know all of your secrets create the villanelle frame for the poem

all lines in this poem were harvested from posts on Craigslist as a class assignment, defining the poem a cento, where the lines of the poem are from other authors.

because Craiglist is an anonymous site, I can only accredit the poem from anonymous contributors.


The Witch Next Door


Call me Never